About me

I am a Tenure-track Associate Professor at the Institute of Natural Sciences and School of Physics and Astronomy at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Previously, I worked in the Theory Department of Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) first as a postdoc with Ilya Dodin and later a staff scientist under the supervision of Nate Ferraro. I obtained my Ph.D. in Plasma Physics from Princeton University, where I was advised by Hong Qin and Amitava Bhattacharjee, and B.S. in Mathematics and Physics from Tsinghua University. See bio for more details.


I study theoretical and computational plasma physics and specialize in three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). My most recent work extended the state-of-the-art M3D-C1 code from tokamak to stellarator geometry, thereby enabling pioneering studies on the nonlinear MHD stability of stellarator plasmas. My thesis developed a variational integrator for ideal MHD and applied it to studying the formation of current singularities. I am generally interested in advanced numerical methods, especially structure-preserving ones. I have also worked on other topics such as drift-wave turbulence and zonal flows. Find out more at research.


Positions are available for postdocs and students. Send me an email if interested.